Liquidation Stock

How to Make Profit from Liquidation Stock in the UK

If you are an organisation that has recently gone into liquidation and you have stock left over that you would like to get rid of, then it is possible to make a profit from this stock. There are a lot of people who look to purchase liquidation stock, and as such, plenty of options for you to look into when selling. The fact is, regardless of why you have excess stock, it’s still perfectly good stock, and therefore you should be able to make a profit when you are selling it, don’t settle for massive losses.

Who Tends to Buy Liquidation Stock?

Liquidation stock is an excellent way to get inventory; therefore, many people look to purchase it. Prime customers tend to be market vendors, discount store owners, people who run online ecommerce stores, resellers and exporters. The truth is, anyone can buy this stock so long as they are a registered business and have a good VAT identification number.

There are a variety of reasons why people tend to purchase liquidation stock, but one of the most prominent factors is that it is suitable for a range of different buyers. They are able to look for the quantity and price point they need, whatever suits their business the most.

Where in the UK Can You Sell Liquidation Stock?

If you are interested in selling liquidation stock in the UK, then you will be happy to know that there are a number of places where you can do it. These include some of the following:

  • Locally

It might be the case that there are people in your area who are keen on selling liquidation stock, and as such, these would make the perfect person to go to. List that you have stock available on Google, as people will use the search engine as their first point of contact when looking for stock to buy. You could even simply use contacts that you might have made when operating as a business and ask them if they know anyone who might be interested in purchasing what you have to offer.

  • A Liquidation Company

If your organisation is going into liquidation, then you are likely working with private liquidators in order to make it happen. These businesses will have the contacts necessary that you could use to try and sell some of your stock. These contacts will usually be smaller buyers who are willing to pay good money for your products. Remember, liquidators will have the financial security of your company in mind, so they will make sure that everything is being sold for a reasonable price.

  • Auction Sites

There are plenty of auction sites out there that you could use as well. These are easy to use and work in a similar way to eBay. Be sure to do some research, as the sites available tend to operate in specific industries and cater to a certain audience. You don’t want to list your products on a site if it’s unlikely that they are going to sell. You should also check out the reviews of the site as well; there are a lot of places that auction goods which have a poor reputation, and you want to stay as far away from these as you possibly can. A lot of these sites with poor reputations make a profit by selling rubbish for prices which look too good to believe, and buyers steer clear of them, so you will struggle to sell your liquidation stock if you decide to use one.

Why Do People Buy Liquidation Stock?

If you want to ensure that your liquidation stock sells and you subsequently profit from it, it’s important to remember exactly why people look to buy such stock. Some of the most popular reasons include:

  • They Can Save Money

You aren’t going to be able to sell your stock for the price that you would sell it at normally. People use this method to purchase items for less than what they would usually pay. As such, it’s important to keep this in mind when you are putting a price on your goods. Naturally, you still want to make a profit, so don’t go below what you have paid for them but knock money off what you would sell them for prior to liquidation.

  • Speed

If people buying from you are local, then they are likely keen to purchase your stock due to the fact they don’t have to wait for delivery. If they are local, then they will want goods as soon as possible. Keep this in mind and state that if someone buying from you is local, you can drop the goods off quickly, or they can come around whenever it works best to pick them up. This will appeal to a lot of buyers.

  • Access to Variety

If people have already looked around different retail stores for a certain item, then they will have turned towards a liquidation site because they are unable to find it. Remember that your products don’t need to have been made within a specific time, and don’t worry if you think they might be outdated. People enjoy the variety available to them on these kinds of websites, so give it to them.

Do You Need Help Selling Liquidated Stock?

If your company has come under financial hardship and you are looking to sell some liquidation stock, then this is doable. You can take on the work yourself, but if you are going through liquidation, then be sure to work with liquidators who are able to take on this task for you.

At Simple Liquidation, we have a team of experts on hand who will be able to analyse the position of your business and ensure you move forward in a way which benefits you and your creditors. This means selling your liquidation stock for a profit. If you need any further information or have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.